Picture this….
Its December 31st close to midnight and you’re thinking about the new year ahead. Chances are your starting to think about setting New Year’s resolutions. Things like next year I want to: “be healthier, be more organised, be happier.”
Have you noticed that all of those common resolutions we make are broad, vague and are often related to things we don’t like about ourselves, things we want to change about ourselves, things that are hard to measure – I mean “be happier” – how do we measure that.
So, this year instead of making new year's resolutions as such let’s think about what we want for the year ahead – not just what we want to change. Things like this year I want to: “do more things I enjoy, find a new hobby, spend more time with people I care about”.
If you insist on setting New Year's resolutions, consider the following:
Happy New Years to everyone and here’s to a great 2023!!!