We care about our staff, participants and the community and we’re here to help with any questions or enquiries that you have about COVID-19.
Information for NDIS participants and families about the Coronavirus
We care about our staff, participants and the community and we’re here to help with any questions or enquiries that you have about the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness, with symptoms ranging from fever, tiredness, dry cough, aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea. Some people recover quickly and easily, and others may get very sick, very quickly.
Coronavirus Information
The Australian Government has enacted the Coronavirus Emergency Response Plan and We Care are closely monitoring the situation, taking necessary steps to prepare and support participants and staff.
To help you understand and provide you with more information, the NDIS have recently published Easy Read information and frequently asked questions with the latest information.
How to keep yourself safe
Good hygiene can prevent infection for most people. The Department of Health website has key resources to help you understand if:
If you are an NDIS participant and you are concerned about your exposure to Coronavirus, the Department of Health has a specific hotline to respond to your enquiries.
1800 020 080 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to access any of the department’s listed phone numbers.
You can visit the National Relay Service website or call 1300 555 727. If you need translation and/or interpretation support, Translating and Interpreting Services are offered by the Australian Government on the Department of Home Affairs website .
Participant information
Frequently asked questions and Easy Read information have been published by the NDIS to assist with your questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We Care community and accommodation supports are continuing to operate and we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the health and wellbeing of our participants and staff.
The Allied Health team have implemented tools to support our clients and families by phone and video consultations. This is through an applications called ZOOM.
The Government has introduced new COVID-19 Medicare TeleHealth items. This allows psychologists to provide phone and/or video-conference services for clients who meet the eligibility criteria at no additional costs. For more information and to see if you are eligible, please click here.
For instructions on how to use our video-conference application called Zoom, click here.
Our goal is to do the best we can to support you and your family in achieving your goals whilst we help to minimise the risk of anyone contracting the virus during this time.
NDIS participants that are concerned about exposure to Coronavirus (COVID-19) are able to contact the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline on 1800 020 080 or the National Relay Service on 1300 555 727.
If you have questions or require advice, please contact us on 02 4013 6079.
Useful Resources
The changes in routine and rapidly evolving news cycle regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) may be causing an increase in stress and anxiety for you and your family. Click here for some tips to look after you and your family’s mental health during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Every Australian Counts have also brought together a list of resources for people with disabilities and families about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) that you may find useful. Please click here for more information.
The Australian Psychological Society have created an information sheet that outlines some useful strategies you can use to maintain good mental health during this unprecedented time of social distancing and isolation. Please click here to view.